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Build your Salon Book of Business!

Starting a business is hard, but it doesn’t have to be. You can ramp up quickly and easily. You just need the right tools. We will ramp you up with everything you need to make more money at your business.

Mark's picture

"Our goal is that every service professional is making six figures quickly and easily!! Welcome!"

Mark Berry, Founder
EasyNerdy College

What We Offer

Stabilize your Income

You don’t have time to spend three years making no money. You need to make a liveable wage from starting your own business right now. You need income today! That’s why ramping up is so important, so vital to your success. Learn how to get a core customer base quickly and efficiently.

Stabilize your Income

Creating stability is one of the most important things your business can do. Learn the secrets to stabilizing the income that you do have.

Find Customers in your Sleep

Mastering the art of marketing is part art, part science, part magic. It requires learning a lot of marketing skills. Beyond marketing, you also need to learn the soft skills to test and experiment with strategies until you find the strategy that works. Once you learn those skills, the customers will come in your sleep.

If you are ready to take your business to the next level, sign up today!

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“Easily the best project management software on the market, right now. We became 2x faster and more efficient after adopting Projectile. Love the automated reports and alerts.”
Rudra Ghosh
Student at Easy Nerdy
Pricing plans

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We provide courses and accountability for any level of success.

Join the ranks of successful entrepreneurs with this powerful community! Students will have access to All-Hands Community Courses,Self-Paced Courses and Weekly Metrics tracking!
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Focus Group
$300 / monthThis advanced level coaching focuses on small industry groups. You will accelerate your success, by learning from others and getting focused attention. Increase sales, profits and motivation!
Access to Unlimited Courses
Access to Industry Cohorts
Access to Leading Experts
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Boss Mode
Ever wish you could hire a boss that would really force you to get more done in your business? Now you can! Boss mode includes daily individual calls, weekly planning & motivation calls, and monthly post-mortems and big picture reviews. Maximize success!
Live One on One Coaching
Metrics for Tracking Success
Daily Accountability
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